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You May NOT apply for both CERB and CEWS.
Eligibility periods are fixed in 4-week periods.
If your situation continues, you can re-apply for CERB for multiple 4-week periods, to a maximum of 16 weeks (4 periods).
If you start working again after you get a CERB payment, and then stop working, you need to re-apply for the CERB. When you re-apply, you must confirm that for at least 14 days in a row, during the period you are applying for, you won’t receive:
employment income
self-employment income
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave
The CERB is now available if you earned $1,000 (before taxes) or less during an eligibility period. If this applies to your situation, you may be eligible to apply for a previous period, starting March 15, 2020.
To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:
You did not apply for, nor receive, CERB or EI benefits from Service Canada for the same eligibility period
You did not quit your job voluntarily
You reside in Canada
You are 15 years old or more when you apply
You earned a minimum of $5,000 (before taxes) income in the last 12 months or in 2019 from one or more of the following sources:
employment income
self-employment income
provincial or federal benefits related to maternity or paternity leave
You stopped or will stop working due to COVID-19, and:
You are applying for the first time
For at least 14 days in a row during the 4-week payment period, you do not expect to receive more than $1,000 (before taxes) from employment and self-employment income
You are re-applying for another period
You do not expect your situation to change during this 4-week period and you do not expect to receive more than $1,000 (before taxes) from employment and self-employment income
You received regular EI benefits for at least 1 week since December 29, 2019
You are no longer eligible for EI benefits
You cannot apply for the CERB with CRA if you already applied through Service Canada
If you have already applied for Employment Insurance (EI) or for the CERB through Service Canada, you cannot apply for the CERB with the CRA.
If you are applying for the CERB for the first time, and not sure where to apply, answer the questions under Get Started, on the Canada Emergency Response Benefit page. We will direct you to the service option that best fits your situation.
You may phone in your CERB application or register with the CRA first. We are not able to apply for CERB financial assistance on your behalf.
Applicants who set up direct deposit are expected to receive a first payment within three to five days. Those who use mail should receive a first payment within 10 days. Payment is $2,000 a month for up to four months.
Anyone who has already been approved for EI benefits will be moved over to the new emergency benefit CERB.
To apply by phone, Canadians should call the automated toll-free line at 1-800-959-2019. This is a dedicated line for CERB applications. Before people call, they should have their social insurance number and postal code handy to verify their identity.
Both of these services will be available 21 hours a day, seven days a week. Both services are closed from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. ET for maintenance. For more information, click here.
Applicants will need to confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria, and information that they provide during the application process may be verified later, the government said. The benefit is available from March 15 to Oct. 3. The deadline for applications is Dec. 2.
You should also make sure your direct deposit and mailing information is up to date with the CRA.
Eligible employers would include individuals, taxable corporations. partnerships consisting of eligible employers, non-profit organizations and registered charities. The company must have incurred a decrease in revenues of at least 15% from March 2020 compared to February 2020.
To continue to be eligible, the decrease must be 30% for April 2020 compared to May 2020 and May 2020 The Federal government will subsidize the payroll of your company up to 75% or $ 847 per week per employee. The company must pay the remaining 25%.
A special rule will apply to employees that do not deal at arm’s length with the employer. The subsidy amount for such employees will be limited to the eligible remuneration paid in any pay period between March 15 and June 6. 2020, up to a maximum benefit of the lesser of $84 7 per week and 75 per cent of the employee’s pre-crisis weekly remuneration.
The subsidy would only be available in respect of non-arm’s length employees employed prior to March 15, 2020.
Contact your company’s bank and set up a virtual meeting to make the request.
Inquire as to the documentation that will be required to be submitted. Secure the company’s 2019 (or 2018) T4/T5 Summary. If repaid by December 31, 2022, $ 10,000 will be forgiven. If not paid by December3 l, 2022, the loan will be rolled into a 3year fixed loan bearing interest at 5% per annum.
Must have at least $20,000 of salaries or dividends issued to you by your company (other than eligible). Funds must be used for operational expenses of the company. Maximum amount of loan is $40,000
The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced today that the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020.
Taxpayers can also defer federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties and interest, regardless of the amount owed. This deferment applies to all taxpayers, including individuals, trusts and estates, corporations and other non-corporate tax filers as well as those who pay self-employment tax.
If you have a query relating to the Notices & Deadlines, feel free to browse through the FAQs. Alternatively you can contact us using the Website query form or call us.
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